Using GBL As A New & Creative Way To Engage Kids With Rigorous STEM Content: Dr. Sally Creel
Dr. Sally Creel
AKA "Agent STEM"
Dr. Sally Creel, also known as Agent STEM, leads the highly innovative STEM team for Cobb County School District in Georgia.
Sally is always looking for new and creative ways to engage kids with rigorous STEM content.
She decided to explore using game-based learning because “kids love gaming – so learning while gaming is a no brainer!”
After using Legends of Learning for three years now, Sally views the program as a great success because of the engagement and usage data from the schools. “It was absolutely mind-blowing to see that our students had played so many online games to learn science concepts!”
According to Dr. Creel, teachers value Legends because it easy to use and provides an important tool to help engage students in science. The result is improved science test scores in many schools in Cobb County.
Look for Sally at the next Science/STEM event you attend. You’ll see her wearing her Agent STEM cape!