Using GBL To Help The District Prepare For COVID-19 Related Remote Learning: Dr. Felicia Martin-Latief
Dr. Felicia Martin-Latief
AKA "Flawsome"
Dr. Felicia Martin-Latief, also known as “Flawsome”, leads the highly innovative STEM Team for Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland. She’s also been working to help the district prepare for COVID-19 related remote learning.
She decided to explore using game-based learning after attending the 2018 Game-Based Learning Summit in Baltimore, Maryland because she was blown away by the data on perseverance, engagement, and content and skill acquisition shown by game-based learning. And of course, Dr. Flawsome loves that games allow students to fail (and then succeed) in a way that no other classroom learning tool can.
Felicia has used Legends for almost three years now. According to Felicia, the key to the program’s success has been to give students and teachers the training, time and opportunity to engage with game-based learning. And most importantly, to engage with stakeholders to show them the evidence behind how and why game-based learning helps improve student outcomes.
Engagement with game-based learning can be contagious. According to Felicia, her greatest moment playing Legends occurred “when I was playing a game intending to spend twenty minutes and when I looked up I was three hours in and still did not want to stop!” Her greatest moment as a Supervisor happened when her “STEM coordinators asked me if more teachers could use Legends of Learning in their instruction.”
Felicia’s favorite classroom experience in the past month has been observing her coordinators and teachers really step up and engage in Legends of Learning and other new technology to be of service to their students in this challenging time of COVID-19 related remote learning.
Everyone at Legends of Learning is honored and humbled to work with leaders like Felicia and so many others throughout the country who are working tirelessly to support their learners in these difficult times. You all are the Legends!