Using GBL For Enrichment & Remediation: Jeff Hancock

Jeff Hancock
AKA "Captain Basil"
Jeff Hancock, also known as Captain Basil, is an inspiring leader who has seen first hand the power of game-based learning.
When Jeff met Legends of Learning and the caped crusaders, he was looking for a resource that was not traditional. When he saw us fly in wearing our capes and heard us say video games he knew there was nothing about Legends that was traditional. He was excited about the power of games in classrooms. He knew that while he and his team were excited about Legends if he wanted to see a successful program in the district it needed to be driven by teacher buy-in.
Jeff shared that “Time is a limiting resource and individuals are only willing to give it up to try something new if a.) they think it will work or b.) they like it. The better a program is introduced, promoted, and supported the more successful the buy-in and thus the better the implementation. And this is exactly what Legends has done to ensure a successful program.”
While students have much more access to technology now, Jeff knows that “you have to find new activities that keep them engaged and hit the standards like Legends.” Jeff shared an awesome success story of engagement and learning about a 6th-grade teacher whose classes are using Legends in a rotational model and the computer-based center is used to extend student learning. He exclaimed, “It is how remediation and enrichment should look in a classroom.”
Look for Jeff at the next Science/STEM event you attend. You’ll see him rocking his Captain Basil Cape!