Using GBL to Reimagine Your Course Roadmap: Roderik Camacho and Jean Mellor

Roderik Camacho
AKA "Macho Camacho"
The transition to distance learning has led many educators to reimagine their course roadmap. Because there are many challenges with recreating the classroom experience online, teachers have had to quickly determine how to best meet the needs of their students. Roderik Camacho, aka Macho Camacho, knew that Legends of Learning would empower him to tailor lessons that support students’ diverse learning needs: “I try to assign one playlist per week that students get to work on after completing other daily tasks. It has been a fun way to have students engage with science concepts during these distance learning weeks.”
To inspire their students to be intrinsically motivated about their studies, educators have diligently sought to adapt their teaching strategies to accommodate students who may think or learn differently from their peers. Knowing that he needs to bolster student confidence to achieve academic success in the classroom, Roderik uses Legends of Learning to effectively address gaps in student understanding: “There are particular students who have struggled with completing more traditional types of assignments, who regularly will complete their Legends of Learning playlist and reach out to me to see if I’ve assigned anything new. I like that I’m able to offer them something they look forward to.”
Thank you, Macho Camacho, for constantly striving to find ways of developing and maintaining student motivation!

Jean Mellor
AKA "Stellar Miss Mellor"
Designing a hybrid learning course has presented its own challenges for many educators because they need to carefully consider how to integrate online assignments with in-class activities. Strongly aware of this, Jean Mellor, aka Stellar Miss Mellor, relies on Legends of Learning to make the student experience as seamless as possible: “We use Legends of Learning for everything: pre-teaching, review, virtual models. I teach hybrid classes so it’s nice to have a platform that is easily accessible at home and at school.”
Whether face to face or online, educators have had to be intentional about course design and instruction. For students to develop and sustain their motivation, Jean knew exactly what to use to heighten student productivity and to effectively create a nurturing classroom environment: “Legends of Learning comes with engagement right out of the box. Students are always excited when I assign a game. They’ve even joked about how they remembered a quiz answer from the game. With the ease of built-in content questions, the students don’t even notice that they are actually reviewing. They just equate the questions with part of the games.”
Stellar Miss Mellor, we are proud to see how you are building a positive classroom community.