The Latest Teacher Features!
April 2021

New Features

Spring is in the air!

And you know what they say… April showers, bring Legendary Super Powers!

So without further ado, here are the latest features released since our last Teacher Features update!



By far, one of the most requested new features has been co-teacher functionality. Well, we heard you loud and clear!

Now you can invite as many other teachers as you would like to be your co-teachers.

Co-teachers can view and manage your assignments, students, and all associated reports!

Click here to get detailed information on co-teacher functionality.


Mute Game Sounds

Sometimes the game’s sound effects volume is so loud, that it can drown out text-to-speech. Now students can mute the game volume and hear every word!


Thank you for taking the time to check out the latest Teacher Features for Legends of Learning. If you want to check any of these features out, you can sign in here.

If you need any help or have any questions feel free to email!

For Teachers
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