Earth and Space Science | Life Science | Physical Science | More Topics
Learning games are awesome. You’ve probably figured that out by now. The next step is seamlessly incorporating them into your lesson plans. That’s why we had legendary teachers create sample science lesson plans for all middle school science learning objectives.
Check them out, plus two bonus Earth Day lesson plans, below!
Earth and Space Science Lesson Plans
- The Sun Moon and Stars: Patterns of Apparent Motion
- Solar Properties
- Lunar Phases
- The Milky Way and Other Galaxies
- Our Solar System
- Planet Earth
- Earth’s Atmosphere
- Eclipses and Seasons
- Effects of Space Exploration (FL)
- Gravity and The Birth of Our Solar System
- Physical Properties of Stars
- Fossil Record
- Geologic Time
- Seafloor Spreading and Subduction
- Earth Processes: Matter Cycling and Energy Flowing
- Earth Processes: Scales of Time and Space
- Plate Tectonics
- The Water Cycle
- The Water Cycle and Weather Patterns
- Role of Sunlight and Gravity in the Water Cycle
- Ocean Currents
- Weathering and Erosion
- Weather and Climate Factors
- Weather Prediction
- Influence of Oceans on Weather and Climate
- Natural Resources
- Natural Hazards
- Human Impacts on Earth Systems
- Human Health and the Hydrosphere
- Increasing and Decreasing Human Impacts on Earth Systems
- Global Climate Change
- Greenhouse Effect
Life Science Lesson Plans
- Adaptation
- Animal Reproduction Strategies
- Artificial Selection via Selective Breeding
- Biodiversity and Health of Ecosystems
- Biodiversity and Humans
- Cells and Life
- Changes in Ecosystems Over Time
- Competition for Resources in Ecosystems
- Competitive, Predatory, and Mutually Beneficial Interactions
- Conversion of Food into Matter and Energy
- Embryological Evidence for Common Ancestry
- Factors Influencing Growth of Individuals and Populations
- Food Webs in an Ecosystem
- Gene Mutations
- Genes and Traits
- Interactions in Ecosystems
- Multicellular Organisms and their Subsystems
- Natural Selection
- Parts of a Cell
- Parts of a Cell – Plants vs. Animal Cells
- Plant Growth: Effect of Genes and Environment
- Plant Reproduction Strategies
- Photosynthesis
- Reconstructing Evolutionary History Using Fossils
- Reproduction and Gene Transfer
- Sexual Reproduction and Genetic Variation
- The Body’s Information Processing System
- The Fossil Record
- Variation of Inherited Traits
Physical Science Lesson Plans
- Atoms and Elements
- Changing Temperature
- Chemical Reactions – Arrangement of Atoms
- Chemical Reactions in Cellular Respiration
- Chemical Reactions in Photosynthesis
- Common Earth Elements
- Conservation of Energy
- Conservation of Matter in Chemical Reactions
- Digital Signals
- Effects of Temperature and Pressure on State
- Electric and Magnetic Forces
- Electromagnetic Waves Vs. Mechanical Waves
- Energy Transfer in Chemical Reactions
- Equal and Opposite Reactions: Newton’s Third Law
- Evidence of a Chemical Reaction
- Factors Influencing Motion: Newton’s First and Second Laws
- Flow of Thermal Energy
- Force Fields
- Gases and Liquids
- Gravitational Force
- Heat as Energy Transfer
- Kinetic Energy
- Metal Properties
- Metals, Metalloids, and Non-Metals
- Molecules and Compounds
- Potential Energy
- Pure Substances
- Reflection, Absorption, and Transmission of Light
- Reference Frames and Scale Units
- Relationship Between Energy and Forces
- Simple Machines
- Solids
- Sound Waves
- States of Matter and their Structure
- Temperature, Thermal Energy, and Particle Motion
- Temperature and Total Energy
- Transmisson and Refraction of Light
- Water as a Solvent
- Wave Model of Light
- Waves and Their Properties
Lesson Plans in More Topics
BONUS: Earth Day Lesson Plans
- Earth Day Lesson Plan – Energy Efficiency and Conservation Project – by Scott Beiter
- Earth Day Lesson Plan – The Water Cycle – by Caitlin Unterman
* We currently do not have elementary school science or math lesson plans. If you’d like to see some, let us know!